Friday, 23 March 2012


Hi everyone and welcome back to my blog. I know it’s been a while since I last updated it, but work has been a little manic this past month and I haven’t been able to write as much as I would like. Still, here’s what’s going on right now:

Netcars: My Netcars blog is still online at, with the latest article inspired by the arrival of Laura’s new Mk4 Golf GTI. Future articles will cover topics including the evolution of the Ford Mustang as well as coverage from some of this summer’s upcoming shows. Feel free to keep checking for updates and commenting with your opinions – almost 6,000 people have viewed the blog since it went live almost a year ago and I’d love to keep this momentum up!

WhatCulture: After the somewhat ‘mixed’ reception given to my last two articles – which you can find and – it’s almost time for another one. The subject this time around? ‘Why Assassins Creed games are some of the greatest of this generation’. Actually, perhaps that should be ‘Why Assassins Creed games are the greatest of this generation’... that should stir up a fair bit of debate! Again, it’s great to know that these articles spark discussion, so please keep reading them and telling me what you think!

The Suffolk Regiment ‘book’: Unfortunately, progress on the Suffolk Regiment research that I’ve been doing remains slow. My secondary source reading has taken me almost to the Rhine; once I’ve covered Germany and the end of the war in Europe it will be time to tackle the Record Office and see what else I can find. This should be when the real fun starts, as I uncover some previously unpublished material which will place greater emphasis on the social side of the war. I’ll try and update regularly, so watch this space...

The Capri: So as most of you already know, the Capri came back from the body shop about three weeks ago. It’s not quite finished yet – the stripes which run down each side to separate the two paint colours needed to be specially made and have only turned up today – but I’m pleased to announce that the car should be finished up by the end of the week. Once it’s completely sorted I’ll put some pictures up on my Facebook profile and on here as well.

Lastly, don’t forget to add me on Facebook -!/FordCapriCalypso and follow me on Twitter - @SonOfDel

Thanks everyone!